Hikes by Trailhead-North to South

Index Map

The following list of trailheads shows where selected trips originated or terminated. A small red flag shows the location of each trailhead which is named in large blue letters.

Five more maps show locations of all or parts of some of the routes. The north area map shows routes for Bear Lakes, High Route Part I, and Dinkey Lakes in their entirety. The other four maps show cross country sections of selected hikes in each area. For hikes not shown on the maps, see individual reports. In some cases the route is so well known a map has not been included.

Tuolumne Meadow Trailhead
- John Muir Trail

Bear Diversion Dam Trailhead
- Bear Lakes

Florence Lake Trailhead
- High Route Part I
- McGee Lakes

Dinkey Lakes Trailhead
- Dinkey Lakes

Maxson-Courtright Trailhead
- Confusion Lake
- Courtright-Cedar Grove
- Davis Lakes
- E. LeConte/White Divide
- Enchanted Gorge
- Indian Lakes
- Red Mountain Basin
- Red Rock Basin
- W. LeConte/White Divide

Woodchuck-Wishon Trailhead
- Finger Peak Loop

Rancheria-Wishon Trailhead
- Blackcap Basin
- Woodchuck Country

Cedar Grove Road's End Trailhead
Cross country sections of selected hikes are shown on two maps. For hikes not shown on these maps, see individual reports.

- Arrow Pk-Muro Blanco
- Courtright-Cedar Grove
- Dumbbell Lakes
- Gardiner Basin
- High Route Part I
- Monarch Divide
- Rae Lakes Loop
- Two Kings Loop

- Center Basin-Junction Pass
- Deerhorn Saddle
- "High Route" South
- High Sierra Trail
- Kern Basin I
- Kern Basin II
- Mount Brewer Loop
- Roaring River Country
- Thunder Col

Marvin Pass Trailhead
- Central Great Western Divide
- Glacier Ridge
- Lost Lake Loop

Wolverton Trailhead
- Tablelands
- Triple Divide Loop I

Crescent Meadow Trailhead
- High Sierra Trail
- Kaweah Basin
- Kern-Kaweah Country
- Mount Kaweah
- Nine Lake Basin
- Silliman-Pterodactyl
- Southern GWD Loop
- Triple Divide Loop II

Whitney Portal Trailhead
- John Muir Trail
- Mt Whitney Day Hike

Buckeye Flat Trailhead
- Kaweah Middle Fork

Mineral King Trailhead
- Cliff Creek Lakes
- Five Lakes Basins
- Five Lakes 1990
- "High Route" South
- Kern-Kaweah Country
- Shotgun Farewell

21 February 2013