Most of the petrologic data has been gathered from the examination of thin-sections with a petrographic microscope. Hand specimens of rocks were stained to determine plagioclase/ potassium feldspar ratios. The staining technique developed by Baily and Stevens (1960) was used. Mineralogic composition of some zeolite veins and whole rocks was determined from x-ray diffraction patterns. Eighty thin-sections were examined microscopically and modal analyses of twenty-six sandstones and sandy limestones were made (Table 1). Sampling was biased because the fresher, less crumbly samples which were preferentially collected in the field contain higher percentages of calcite cement. A mechanical stage attached to the petrographic microscope was used to advance the thin-sections beneath the microscope crosshair at 1 millimeter intervals. Framework, matrix, cement and porosity percentages (Table 1) are based on a count of the first 100 points encountered beneath the crosshair in each thin-section. The count was continued until 100 framework grains were identified. Sandstone components are almost exclusively of volcanic origin. The remaining framework grains are limestone rock fragments and carbonate allochems. Every member of the San Hipolito Formation contains volcanic grains or ash including the bedded chert member and the limestone member. Volcanic rock fragments make up from 22 to 100 percent of framework grains (Table 1). Most volcanic rock fragments are microlitic, indicating an intermediate volcanic composition (Dickinson, 1970). Felsitic and lathwork volcanic rock fragments, which are representative of silicic and basic volcanic composition respectively (Dickinson, 1970) are less common but constitute a significant part of the volcanic rock fragment population in a few samples. Vitric volcanic rock fragments are present but are even less common than the above mentioned types. Feldspar constitutes as much as 60 percent of the framework grains (Table 1). Almost all feldspar is plagioclase and many plagioclase crystals display oscillatory and normal zoning. Staining indicates the absence of potassium feldspar in most rocks. In the few sedimentary rock specimens in which it is present, potassium feldspar constitutes less than 1 percent of the total feldspar. Quartz makes up no more than 10 percent of the framework grains in any sample (Table 1). The quartz is monocrystalline, often embayed, and usually inclusion free indicating that it probably is volcanic in origin (Folk, 1968). Subordinate framework grains include magnetite and other opaques, pyroxene, amphibole, and biotite. They comprise as much as 18 percent of some rocks and have the same mineralogical characteristics as the phenocrysts and accessories found in volcanic rock fragments in the same thin-sections. They have been derived from the fragmentation of volcanic rock fragments and some may represent crystalline tuffaceous material. Quartz, feldspar and rock fragment percentages from modal analyses (Table 1) have been recalculated so that when added together they equal 100. The values are plotted on Figure 4, which shows that the rocks are quartz-poor members of the lithic arkose, feldspathic litharenite and litharenite clans. To be more specific, the rocks belong to the volcanic plagioclasearenite, plagioclase volcanic-arenite, and volcanic-arenite clans since most of the feldspar is plagioclase and most of the rock fragments are volcanic.
Sandstone beds (Analyses 1 and 2, Table 1) in the chert member are similar to sandstones found elsewhere in the section except they are slightly more quartzose and the feldspar to rock fragment ratios are higher than in most other sandstones; this suggests that they may be reworked. Quartz crystals in some of the sandstones are shaped like volcanic shards. Most sandstone beds in the chert member contain angular blocks of green and brown chert. The material which makes up the green chert consists primarily of altered volcanic ash. Minor amounts of siliceous fossils and calcareous sediment were worked into the ash by submarine currents. Following episodes of ash accumulation, concentrations of silica in the seawater were elevated favoring the epidemic reproduction of organisms with siliceous body parts such as radiolarians and sponges which contributed to the formation of red chert.
About 35 percent of the member consists of light brown or gray sandy limestone and volcanic sandstone. Sandstones (Analysis 4, Table 1) grade upward into sandy limestones (Analysis 6, Table 1). Gray sandstones and sandy limestones are usually difficult to distinguish from limestones in the field. It requires close examination to see the framework grains in the sandstones. The sandstone beds in the limestone member are similar to sandstones found in the rest of the formation except that they contain a greater abundance of allochems. The sandstones and sandy limestones from the lower part of the member contain radiolarians and calcareous fossil fragments. In the upper part of the member sandy limestones contain a number of additional allochems, many of shallow marine origin, including ooliths and oolith fragments and echinoderm and mollusc fragments. Nuclei of ooliths are in most cases composed of monocrystalline calcite but a few are composed of pyroxene, quartz, opaque minerals and fragments of older ooliths. Echinoderm fragments include round crinoid columnals and star-shaped spines, some of which are replaced by equant chert. Mollusc fragments consist of pelecypods and spiraled gastropods. Thin lenses of limestone boulder and pebble breccia comprise the remainder of the limestone member. The lenses contain- a variety of volcanic rock fragments, mostly microlitic, and limestone and sandstone rock fragments (Analyses 3 and 5, Table 1). Most limestone rock fragments were originally deposited in a shallow marine environment. A typical clast lithology is recrystallized, sparse,gastropod-foraminifera crinoid biomicrite. A few limestone clasts are similar to the micrites which make up most of the limestone member. The breccias also contain rare clasts of sandstone of lithology similar to the sandstone of the limestone member. Deposition of calcareous sediment and siliceous pelagic organisms probably continued at an even rate while the limestone member accumulated. Periodically, pelagic sedimentation was partly or completely masked by outpourings of pyroclastic material which fell into the basin, by epiclastic volcanic material which washed into the basin and by submarine landslides which carried shallow carbonate rocks and volcanic debris into the basin.
The breccia member is predominantly made up of limestone boulder bearing granule to pebble, volcanic breccia lenses (Analyses 9 and 10, Table 1) and graded lenses of volcanic sandstones and tuff. Light gray fossiliferous limestone boulders in the breccia are up to 3 meters in diameter. The limestone boulders contain a great variety of shallow marine fossils (see Chapter 5 on Paleontology). Breccia lenses are very poorly sorted and coarser at the base of the member than at the top. The coarser varieties of breccia contain the aforementioned limestone components randomly distributed in a matrix of angular volcanic pebbles. Crude bedding can be made out in the less coarse breccia. Most volcanic pebbles are microlitic and contain plagioclase and pigeonite phenocrysts and less commonly quartz and hornblende phenocrysts in a groundmass of felted plagioclase laths. A few microlitic volcanic rock fragments are aphyric. Lathwork and felsitic volcanic pebbles are much less common. Individual crystals which are identical to phenocrysts in volcanic rock fragments usually make up less than 1 percent of the framework grains. As previously mentioned, the breccia member fills in the irregular, eroded upper surface of the limestone member. Ripped up blocks from the limestone member are found at the very base of the breccia member. The breccia member is interpreted as submarine landslide material which was derived from a shallow marine carbonate rock complex that fringed a volcanic landmass. Landslides were probably triggered by seismic shocks produced during volcanic eruptions.
Volcanic rock fragments Volcanic rock fragments range from very fine sand to boulder size, most are medium sand size. They are angular to subangular and randomly distributed. Volcanic rock fragments, especially the more heavily altered grains, are commonly indented by monomineralic grains such as plagioclase and they are commonly etched by calcite. Microlitic volcanic rock fragments with trachytic, pilotaxitic and hyalopilitic textures make up a minimum of 75 percent of the volcanic rock fragments. Microlitic volcanic rock fragments contain sand-size phenocrysts of plagioclase, pyroxene or hornblende, and rarely quartz in a felted groundmass of euhedral plagioclase laths. Black, sand-to-silt-size iron ore, often altered to hematite, is a common accessory. The remaining volcanic rock fragments have lathwork, felsitic and vitric textures. Lathwork grains have intersertal textures. The interstices between euhedral plagioclase laths in lathwork grains are filled with chlorite, dusty opaques, and rarely small crystals of pyroxene. Felsitic grains have a microgranitic texture and are made up of interlocking feldspar and quartz crystals. A small number of the feldspar crystals are subhedral to euhedral. Vitric grains consist of devitrified glass containing perlitic cracks filled with trains of dusty opaques. Volcanic rock fragments range from grains which have undergone little alteration to those which have been altered to pseudomatrix. The volcanic rock fragments were derived as epiclastic and pyroclastic material from a nearby volcanic island group. Plagioclase Plagioclase grains are commonly medium-to-fine sand size but range from coarse silt to coarse sand size. Their composition ranges from calcic oligoclase to sodic labradorite with an average composition of calcic andesine. The Michel-Levy (Kerr, 1959) method was used to determine plagioclase composition. Grains are commonly angular, euhedral, and cleaved crystals. A few consist of glomeropheric masses. Inclusion-free overgrowths, presumably diagenetic albite, are common in some rocks. Normal and oscillatory zoning is found in some crystals with up to forty zones present. Patchy, resorbed zones are present and are usually altered to chlorite or inclusion-free albite. Albite, carlsbad and pericline twins are common. Very few plagioclase grains are fresh; most are coated by chlorite and contain chlorite and/or calcite in fractures, along cleavage planes and in patchy zones. Quartz Quartz grains, which are fine-to-coarse sand size, are randomly scattered throughout some sandstones. Many grains have square or hexagonal outlines and are embayed. Grains are usually angular but some are almost perfectly round. Embayments and rounded shapes were probably caused by resorption along grain margins while the quartz was still in a magma. The grains are clear and commonly contain coarse silt-size, square inclusions with negative relief. A few contain hexagonal-shaped bubble trains. Most grains have uniaxial positive interference figures but a few are biaxial positive with a very low 2V angle. Quartz grains are unaltered but some are slightly etched by calcite cement. Pyroxene Grains of pyroxene comprise up to 16 percent of the framework grains in some samples and are found in more than 75 percent of the sandstones examined. Grains are sand size. Most are uniformly distributed in sandstones but some are concentrated in thin placers with other heavy minerals. Due to their cleaved and fractured nature, the original shapes of most pyroxene grains cannot be determined but they are rarely euhedral. Amphibole Amphibole grains are less common than pyroxene grains but comprise as much as 8 percent of the framework grains in some rocks. Amphiboles are rare as phenocrysts or as framework grains in rocks beneath the sandstone member. Green hornblende is dominant and brown hornblende is also present. Unaltered grains are euhedral crystals or cleaved fragments. Almost all hornblende is surrounded by reddish-brown rim of iron oxides. Biotite Biotite flakes are bent and deformed and almost completely altered to chlorite. Biotite has the characteristic parallel extinction, dark brown to light brown pleochroism, and high birefringence. It is not present in most rocks and is common in only one of the samples where it occurs as phenocrysts in volcanic rock fragments and as framework grains (Analysis 20, Table 1).
Diagenetic and Metamorphic Components Tuffaceous limestones are also similar to tuffs except they contain greater than 50 percent aphanocrystalline to finely crystalline calcite. They also contain more fossils including radiolarians and fragments of thin-shelled pelecypods which may be Monotis. A few limestones contain sand-size framework grains (Analyses 11 and 16, Table 1). Etching and replacement of framework grains by calcite is more extensive than in rocks with lower calcite content. Feldspar to rock fragment ratios are higher than in rocks which contain less calcite. This occurs because rock fragments are more readily etched and replaced by calcite than monomineralic grains.